Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Passing of my Beloved Pet & Companion of 18 Years.

My Dear Friend Ra-Bear,

Ra-Bear, Your Spirit Lives on Forever.

For the past 18 years, since your birth, you have been and shall always remain my best friend.

The fun and play times, the naps and yes, all the non stop kitty chats remains in my memories.

Ra-Bear, Your Spirit Lives on Forever

Ra-Bear, you were a smarty pants cat; you knew how to turn on the TV and the bed warmer and had to participate in the room's conversations .... Much more than a cat your were indeed... So Much More !

Ra-Bear,Your Spirit Lives on Forever.

It all began on the 3rd day of your early live, when your mother dropped you on my lap, then you immediately climbed into my shirt pocket.... Till the very last night of your mortal life, tonight, when you took your very last breath in my hands I felt the unconditional love you always gave me and I feel that you understood my unconditional love for you till the very last second with your last breath.

Ra-Bear, Your Spirit Lives on Forever.

As strange as it is, Ra-Bear enjoyed watching wrestling, listening to music being recorded. He had this thing for Hulk Hogan ..... We watched on last time together last night.

Ra-Bear was a temple cat; he knew the proper meditation poses while I was doing Tai Chi exercises, he would become a statue for the entire exercise. Ra-Bear understood the power of naps .... dragging you slowly in a trance with his blue eyes into a deep sleep.....

Ra-Bear was so much more than a pet; he was a friend, A best friend. I will always remember.

Ra-Bear, Your Spirit Lives on Forever in my Heart.

Rest in Peace my Friend, I Love You and You Will Be Dearly Missed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What an amazing cat. You never lost him. He is always with you. God bless. x