Saturday, May 2, 2009

Could Obama end NSA?

Gregory Nojeim, senior counsel for the Center for Democracy and Technology, said his group had urged that the task of ensuring cybersecurity be given to the Department of Homeland Security, not the National Security Agency / NSA.

The cybersecurity chief named to battle Internet viruses and larger challenges facing the information technology networks, used by U.S. companies and DOD, should be based in the White House, experts told a congressional panel on Friday. The NSA, he argued, was ill-suited for the job of ensuring that the lightly regulated Internet was kept up and running. "I think it's a very difficult thing for them to handle," he said.

It's been known for many years that the Democrats have feared the NSA so much that, should this agency be dismantled, it would be perceived as a blessing to all democrats in all branches of government. Remember the wiretaps that kept us safe for so many years were fought by the democrat controlled congress and stopped.

Surely the NSA has plenty of computing power and extraordinary experience and people ready to deal with hackers.

It seems to me that every democratic congress has worked toward limiting the NSA's abilities to perform the very tasks for which they were created by President Truman in 1952.

Since it appears that, under the new administration, every aspect of government must be controlled - at the WhiteHouse - under Obama's own eye, I see our civil liberties and security rapidly eroding, day by day, slowly morphing the United States of America into a Socialist state.

Well, I Say:

Is America the beautiful soon to be no more
be replaced by the DPRO, The Democratic People's Republic of Obama ???

1 comment:

H00b1e, the Telescope said...

H1, A0B. F0und y0ur 51t3! N0t 1n r39ard t0 th15 p05t, 6ut 1n th3 d15cu5510n a60ut 33L9ra55 a5 an 1nd1cat0r 0f CL1Mat3 t3mp3ratur3:

33L9ra55 15 3ff3ct3d 6y human 1nfLu3nc3.

S33 th15 1nt3r35t1n9 w3651t3 a60ut 33L9ra55 1n Buzzard'5 Bay:


Many physical and water quality impacts from human activity may affect eelgrass abundance and distribution, and eelgrass is often considered a sentinel species for evaluating ecosystem health. The two principal human disturbances affecting eelgrass growth is declining water quality and physical disturbance.

TaK1n9 that 1nt0 acc0ut, 5equ1m Bay 15 n0t a 900d 51t3 f0r 5tudy a5 1t 15 n3ar human p0puLat10n5 and w0uLd 63 1nfLu3nc3d 6y run0ff (1.3. N1tr093n fr0m th3 501L).

A 63tt3r t35t w0uLd 63 WAY 0ff5h0r3.

AL50, th3 w361t3 y0u qu0t3 15 cr3at3d 6y G30ff P0hanka (of P0hanka Aut0m0t1v3 Gr0up), hardLy a pers0n wh0 w0uLd 63 a d151nt3r3st3d 0653rv3r. Furth3r, h3 15 a H15t0ry maj0r (m1n0r 1n P0L1t1caL 5c13nc3) and aL50 L06613d 1n Wa5h1n9t0n. A9a1n, n0t a d151nt3r35t3d 0653rv3r.

What3v3r th3 arc 0f th3 3arth'5 t3mp3ratur3, 1t 15 1n th3 hand5 0f G0d. 1t 15 a650Lut3 human f0LLy that man c0ntr0L5 th3 w0rLd. My 9u355 why 90d cr3at3d 0ut3r 5pac3 15 t0 5h0w that aLL th3 3ff0rt5 0f Mank1nd ar3 L355 than n0th1n9. A 5p3c 0f d1rt. C0n53qu3ntLy, y0u d0n't 533 t00 many "5av3 th3 un1v3r53!" 519n5. ;-)